CNCTR Annual Report 2023
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personnes surveillées au titre de la prévention des extrémismes violents et des violences collectives qui se confirme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CNCTR Annual Report 2022
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le champ de la finalité de prévention des violences collectives Violences physiques ou psychologiques. La violence s’entend naturellement des comportements susceptibles de
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2021-2022
Document contents
actions tendant au maintien ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous et des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique (finalité 5) 14,2
CNCTR Annual Report 2021
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substantielle (plus de 14%) prise par les demandes liées à la prévention des violences collectives. Peu spectaculaire du point de vue quantitatif, elle paraît cependant révéler
Interception of Communications - Code of Practice
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communication system in such a way as to enable the intended recipient to collect it or otherwise have access to it. Making the contents of a communication
Laws and regulation
Convention 108
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national borders, by whatever medium, of personal data undergoing automatic processing or collected with a view to their being automatically processed. 2 A Party shall not, for
Laws and regulation
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2020-2021
Document contents
condamnées mais seulement « susceptibles d’être impliquées dans des actions de violences collectives, en particulier en milieu urbain ou à l’occasion de manifestations sportives
French Data Network and others
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de groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1 ; / c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; / 6° La
Case law
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
de renseignements collectés, lorsqu’elles poursuivent une finalité différente de celle qui en a justifié le recueil ; « 2o Les transmissions de renseignements collectés, extraits ou
Laws and regulation
Impact Study of the Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
activités qui s’y déroulent, incitent à la discrimination, à la haine, à la violence, à la commission d’actes de terrorisme en France ou à l’étranger, ou
Big Brother Watch and others v. United Kingdom (Grand Chamber Judgment)
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intelligence collection; the threshold of suspicion required to justify the use of collection measures; the limitations on the duration for which collection measures
Case law
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (First Section Judgement)
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the collection of intelligence shall cease or that information collected shall be destroyed, if during an inspection it becomes evident that the collection has
Case law
Schrems II Judgment
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access to data forming the subject matter of processing operations and powers to collect all the information necessary for the performance of its supervisory duties, – effective
Case law
Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU Volume II: field perspectives and legal update
Document contents
reference to technical collection of intelligence, and second, emphasis on untargeted collection. The distinction between targeted and untargeted collection remains disputed when
Deliberation on the 2021 Intelligence Bill
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dispositions du projet de loi ont vocation à encadrer les principes régissant la collecte de données à caractère personnel, et concernent dès lors, et pour les dispositions
Deliberation on the 2021 Intelligence Bill - update on data retention rulings
Document contents
portée par cette collecte et la protection de la sécurité nationale. 17. A cet égard, la Commission rappelle que le juge européen a subordonné la collecte généralisée et
Report of the Bulk Powers Review
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which it looks upon as a possible substitute for bulk collection rather than a form of bulk collection in itself.9 Others take a similar approach.10 The italicised
CNCTR Annual Report 2020
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ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous et la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; •
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and on Intelligence
Document contents
renseignements collectés, lorsqu’elles poursuivent une finalité différente de celle qui en a justifié le recueil ;  « 2° Les transmissions de renseignements collectés,
Laws and regulation
White Paper on Internal Security
Document contents
progression des violences constatées dans la sphère familiale, telles les violences sexuelles et sexistes. La création d’une plateforme de signalement des violences sexuelles
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (Grand Chamber Judgment)
Document contents
improper signals collection, has the power to decide, with legally binding effect, that the collection must cease or that recordings or notes of collected data must
Case law
Convention 108 + Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
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for a statistical purpose it should be collected in such a way that the data subject is not identifiable. Collection of sensitive data without identification data
Laws and regulation
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office 2019 Annual Report
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authority collect data under investigatory powers? • Does your authority retain data collected under investigatory powers? • Does your authority retain data collected under
Privacy International v Investigatory Powers Tribunal & Ors
Document contents
would constitute) one or more offences, and either – (a) it involves the use of violence, results in substantial financial gain or is conduct by a large number of persons
Case law
La Quadrature du Net and Others v Premier Ministre and Others
Document contents
be collected pursuant to Article L. 851‑1. Such collection shall take place in non-real time. The information listed in point I(2) may be collected only
Case law
Privacy International v Secretary of State
Document contents
networks in [the European Union], including public communications networks supporting data collection and identification devices.’ 8 Under Article 5 of Directive 2002/58, entitled ‘Confidentiality
Case law
Draft Bill of BND Law 2020/2021
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data collection as follows: 1. statement of the purpose of the data collection under paragraph (1); and 2. statement of the means used to collect the
Laws and regulation
R Bridge v CC South Wales and ors (High Court)
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There has however been growing concern in recent times about surveillance and the collection and use of personal data by the state. … But such concern on this side
Case law
R Bridges v CC South Wales and ors (Court of Appeal)
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the collection of data on a blanket and indiscriminate basis, and it placed too little weight on the interference posed by the initial collection itself
Case law
B v Security Service
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need to protect the State and the public against those who would use violence to overthrow the democratic order, which guarantees human rights. Both sides
Case law
Watson and ors v SSHD and ors (High Court)
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laid down by law. Everyone has the right of access to data which has been collected concerning him or her, and the right to have it rectified. 3. Compliance with
Case law
Privacy International v SSFCA and ors (No 2)
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is right to acknowledge that a significant quantity of information can be collected, only a tiny proportion of the data is ever examined.” In paragraph
Case law
Privacy International v SSFCA and ors (No 1)
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BCD (i) GCHQ and MI5 collect and hold BCD, relying upon s.94 as the legal basis for doing so. MI6 does not collect or hold BCD. GCHQ also
Case law
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2019-2020
Document contents
l’article L. 212-1 du code de la sécurité intérieure ; - des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; -
Zakharov v Russia
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added on 1 July 2010). F. Storage, use and destruction of collected data 1. Storage of collected data 49. Section 10 of the OSAA stipulates that law-enforcement
Case law
Leander v Sweden
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it is said that the organisation shall endeavour to change the social system by violence. It can be assumed, however, that a large part of the membership of such
Case law
Kennedy v United Kingdom
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term of three years or more; (b) that the conduct involves the use of violence, results in substantial financial gain or is conduct by a large number
Case law
Liberty v United Kingdom
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regarded as a serious crime if, and only if – (a) it involves the use of violence, results in substantial financial gain or is conduct by a large number of persons
Case law
Weber and Saravia v Germany
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thereby and their transmission to other authorities. Strategic monitoring is aimed at collecting information by intercepting telecommunications in order to identify and avert serious dangers
Case law
Silver v United Kingdom
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attempt to hold them up to contempt; (iv) threats of or incitement to violence; (v) material intended for publication or for use on wireless or television
Case law
Malone v United Kingdom
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of people is involved or there is good reason to apprehend the use of violence" (White Paper, para. 4). In April 1982, the Home Secretary announced to
Case law
Klass v Germany
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the purpose of the restriction. The Constitutional Court dismissed the remaining claims (Collected Decisions of the Constitutional Court, Vol. 30, pp. 1 et seq.). Since the operative
Case law
Right to informational self determination
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purposes of data collection and use be precisely defined and the strict prohibition to collect personal data for retention do not apply to the collection of census data
Case law
Release of NSA selector lists to NSA Inquiry Committee
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on the right to collect evidence (BVerfGE 67, 100 <142>; 77, 1 <46>; 124, 78 <125>). 141 f) Finally, the right to collect evidence is limited in
Case law
Fundamental right to integrity and confidentiality of IT systems
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regarding various instances of data collection, in particular from information technology systems, and secondly, the handling of the data collected. 1 I. The impugned provisions
Case law
Electronic profile searching II
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in particular, was to detect “sleepers”. The state Offices of Criminal Investigation collected data for example from universities, residents' registration offices and the Central Aliens
Case law
Electronic profile-searching I
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ports in a network such as a collective cable system between two secondary telecommunications exchanges that crosses a border. Such collective cable systems were normally designated
Case law
BND Law (Judgment)
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out specific rules for collecting data from within Germany and processing it (§ 6 BNDG), and for further processing data collected from abroad (§ 7(1) BNDG)
Case law
Automated lincence plate control in Bavaria
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in principle, the collection and the cross-checking constitute two separate interferences with fundamental rights. Thus, in principle, the collection of personal data constitutes
Case law
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interests as were determinant for the data collection. If this specific permission to collect data is restricted to collection for the purpose of protecting certain
Case law
Anti Terrorism Database I
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persons who unlawfully use violence to enforce political or religious interests or who support, prepare, advocate or intentionally incite such use of violence, 3. persons when there
Case law
Access to information on inventory data I
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subject to a duty under sentence 1 must collect and store data not yet previously collected, insofar as it is able to collect the data without particular effort. The
Case law
Data retention
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the collection of traffic data stored pursuant to § 113a of the Telecommunications Act and is void to that extent. 9. The telecommunications traffic data collected on
Case law
BND’s surveillance programme for bulk collection of e-mail traffic
Document contents
place only when telecommunications processes between German connections are collected inadvertently, such collection occurs only on account of the technology used, and the data are
Case law
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office 2018 Annual Report
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indiscriminate collection and, as a consequence, oversight of the implementation of the relevant safeguards and the way in which material is collected and selected
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office 2017 Annual Report
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as exemplified below: a. Over-collection This generally relates to a software or hardware malfunction that results in the over‑collection of intercepted material and
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2016 Annual Report
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interception errors are set out below. Over-collection. These were generally technical software or hardware errors that caused over-collection of intercepted material and related
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2015 Annual Report
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these errors are given here. 6.95 Over-collection. These were generally technical software or hardware errors that caused over-collection of intercepted material and related
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2014 Annual Report
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the errors are provided here. 6.91 Over-collection. These were technical software or hardware errors that caused over-collection of intercepted material and related communications
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2013 Annual Report
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the purpose of protecting public health; for the purpose of assessing or collecting any tax, duty, levy or other imposition, contribution or charge payable to
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2012 Annual Report
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Statutory Instrument For the purpose of assessing (SI) at http://www.legislation. or collecting any tax, duty, levy or other imposition, uksi_20100480_en.pdf.
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2011 Annual Report
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to provide information authorised for collection in relation to a warranted target. This involved the co-ordination of two collection systems at the CSP. Due to
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2010 Annual Report
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interception errors are set out below. Over-collection. These were generally technical software or hardware errors that caused over-collection of intercepted material and related
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2009 Annual Report
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followed up with the appropriate actions to de-activate the targeting. All items collected as a result of these failures were deleted from GCHQ’s systems, and the
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2008 Annual Report
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digits than expected. Improvements to GCHQ collection systems will also significantly reduce the risk of unintentional collection of calls to “short” numbers. 2.21 The
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2007 Annual Report
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remove two numbers due for deletion not being passed to all GCHQ’s call collection systems. Other numbers deleted from the same warrant at the same time
Interception of Communications Commissioner 2004 Annual Report
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The second error arose out of avoidable human error. Instructions to cease collection were only issued to three of the four communication service providers served
Democratic License to Operate
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17) and the ISC. Bulk Collection of Data Recommendation 8: The capability of the security and intelligence agencies to collect and analyse intercepted material
A Question of Trust (David Anderson)
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more effectively conduct targeted collection and to control the usage of collected data... Automated systems for isolating collected data, restricting queries that
Human Rights Watch Judgment
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warrant is already in place for that material, but the material cannot be collected under the warrant. Any request made in the absence if a warrant would
Case law
CNIL Annual Report 1990
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Le procédé de collecte du numéro de téléphone est susceptible d'être déloyal au sens de l'article 25 de la loi. La collecte et l'informatisation des
CNIL Annual Report 1983-1984
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discuté sur la base d'une collecte directe des données auprès des citoyens, une proposition tendant à autoriser cette collecte à partir de différents
CNIL Annual Report 2001
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNIL Annual Report 2012
Document contents
données, de faire le choix de les échanger ou de les négocier. Aucun tabou collectif n’existerait ; seule la volonté individuelle primerait. Ce débat sur la régulation,
CNIL Annual Report 2012
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNIL Annual Report 1978-1980
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Principe de la limitation en matière de collecte 7) Il conviendrait d’assigner des limites à la collecte des données de caractère personnel et toute
CNIL Annual Report 1981-1982
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des traitements concernent la collecte, l'exploitation, la conservation des données. 1. La collecte des données. La collecte des données est régie, de
Report on the implementation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
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are collected for communications of a particular United States person when that person is in the United States. This requirement applies to searches of previously collected communications
Assessment report of the 2015 Intelligence Act
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au maintien ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous (b) et des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique (c) (5°).
CNCTR Annual Report 2019
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constante de la prévention du terrorisme et renforcement de la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique . . . .
Report on files used by security forces
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tendant au maintien ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous et des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique. (1) Article
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2013
Document contents
la Péninsule arabique. Mouvances extrémistes Il existe des risques de dérive vers la violence de groupuscules d’ultradroite et d’ultragauche ou de militants isolés, qui cherchent à
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the years 2008 and 2009
Document contents
Erard Corbin de Mangoux, ainsi que des principales ressources techniques de collecte et de traitement du renseignement dont il dispose ; — une deuxième visite
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2016
Document contents
l’article L. 212-1 du code de la sécurité intérieure ; la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; la prévention
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2017
Document contents
ont ainsi pour missions « en France et à l’étranger, la recherche, la collecte, l’exploitation et la mise à disposition du Gouvernement des renseignements relatifs
IPCO Annual Report 2017
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as exemplified below: a. Over-collection This generally relates to a software or hardware malfunction that results in the over‑collection of intercepted material and
CNCIS Annual Report 2003
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d’application couvre des informations liées aux opérations militaires, il s’étend aux renseignements collectés pour lutter contre des réseaux criminels ou déjouer des attentats, il concerne également
Report on the Secrecy of National Defense II
Document contents
secret, une œuvre collective 5 Rapport sur le secret de la défense nationale en France 1. La protection du secret, une œuvre collective La protection du
Report of the Advisory Committee on the Secrecy of National Defense 1998-2004
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCIS Annual Report 2013-2014
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCIS Annual Report 2001
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paragraphes 1 et 2. [...] Titre 5 – Collecte en temps réel de données informatiques Article 20 – Collecte en temps réel des données relatives au trafic
CNCIS Annual Report 2000
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collecter ou à enregistrer par application de moyens sur son territoire, ou – prêter aux autorités compétentes coopération et assistance pour la collecte ou
CNCIS Annual Report 2014-2015
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCIS Annual Report 2004
Document contents
mouvement insurrectionnel (art. 412-3 du Code pénal) constitué par « toute violence collective de nature à mettre en péril les institutions de la République ou
CNCIS Annual Report 2011-2012
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCIS Annual Report 2002
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCIS Annual Report 2003
Document contents
sécurité des personnes, qu’elles soient physiques ou morales, ou pour la sécurité collective, doit être à la mesure de l’atteinte à la vie privée que constitue
CNCIS Annual Report 2008
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républicain, matérialisée par exemple par un appel ou un encouragement à la violence. De même, elle veille à ce que les interceptions, en ce qu’elles sont
CNCIS Annual Report 2007
Document contents
républicain, matérialisée par exemple par un appel ou un encouragement à la violence. D’une manière générale et quel que soit le motif, l’implication personnelle
CNCIS Annual Report 2009
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républicain, matérialisée par exemple par un appel ou un encouragement à la violence. De même, elle veille à ce que les interceptions, en ce qu’elles sont
CNCIS Annual Report 2012-2013
Document contents
proportionnalité dans l’usage par les services de renseignement des moyens techniques de collecte d’informations. Toutefois, je tiens à préciser qu’une telle structure ne pourra remplir
CNCIS Annual Report 2005
Document contents
sécurité des personnes, qu’elles soient physiques ou morales, ou pour la sécurité collective, doit être à la mesure de l’atteinte à la vie privée que constitue
CNCIS Annual Report 2006
Document contents
républicain, matérialisée par exemple par un appel ou un encouragement à la violence. D’une manière générale et quel que soit le motif, l’implication personnelle
CNCIS Annual Report 2010
Document contents
usage collectif de la présente publication est strictement interdite sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Il est rappelé à cet égard que l’usage abusif et collectif de la
CNCTR Annual Report 2015-2016
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ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous, en troisième lieu, les violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique. Cette dernière
CNCTR Annual Report 2017
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ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous, et la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; 
Parliamentary Report on Anti-Terrorism Policies
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Loi n° 2010-769 du 9 juillet 2010 relative aux violences faites spécifiquement aux femmes, aux violences au sein des couples et aux incidences de ces dernières
Report of the Oversight Committee for Administrative Services Conducting Telephone Wiretaps
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du gouvernement dans ce domaine, à une époque où la subversion et les violences internes prenaient des proportions inquiétantes, qui ont abouti au scandale du
Parliamentary Report on the Legal Framework of Intelligence Agencies
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avoir mis en place une plateforme de collecte de ces données. Le droit français permet, depuis 2006, de collecter, auprès des transporteurs, les données PNR
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2015
Document contents
de groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1 ; c) des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; 6°
Impact Assessment of the Intelligence Bill
Document contents
au SIS de collecter le renseignement et d’exécuter d’autres tâches relatives aux activités et intentions de certains individus à l’étranger. La collecte de renseignements
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2014
Document contents
En effet, pour être plus performant, pour assurer une collecte plus fine, le terminal de collecte des données pourra être mobile afin de coller au plus
Opinion of the Legal Affairs Committee on the Intelligence Bill
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la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique. Cette dernière finalité vise les violences liées à la subversion
CNCIS Annual Report 2000
Document contents
collecter ou à enregistrer par application de moyens sur son territoire, ou – prêter aux autorités compétentes coopération et assistance pour la collecte ou
Liberty and Privacy International and ors v GCHQ and ors (No 1)
Document contents
Government’s “Prism” system collects foreign intelligence information from electronic communication service providers under US court supervision. The US Government’s “upstream collection” programme obtains
Case law
Privacy International and Greennet and ors v SSFCA and GCHQ
Document contents
would constitute) one or more offences, and either (a) it involves the use of violence, results in substantial financial gain or is conduct by a large number of persons
Case law
Caroline Lucas and ors v Security Service and ors
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8(4) RIPA; d. a decision to read, look at or listen to communications collected under section 8(4) RIPA? IV. Is the regime for the interception of Pa
Case law
UK Telecommunications Act 1984
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so far as it appears to him practicable from time to time, to collect information with respect to commercial activities connected with tele. communications
Laws and regulation
UK Interception of Communications Act 1985
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be regarded as serious crime if, and only (a) it involves the use of violence, results in substantial financial gain or is conduct by a large number
Laws and regulation
UK Regulation of Investgatory Powers Act 2000
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(a) consists in the following, or in any one or more of them, namely, the collection, sorting, conveyance, distribution and delivery (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere)
Laws and regulation
UK Investigatory Powers Act 2016
Document contents
purpose of protecting public health, (f) for the purpose of assessing or collecting any tax, duty, levy or other imposition, contribution or charge payable to
Laws and regulation
Big Brother Watch v. UK (First Section Judgment)
Document contents
which match are collected; those that do not are automatically discarded. Analysts then carry out a “triage process” in relation to collected communications to determine
Case law
Report on the Secrecy of National Defense in France
Document contents
secret, une œuvre collective 5 Rapport sur le secret de la défense nationale en France 1. La protection du secret, une œuvre collective La protection du
National Intelligence Strategy (2019)
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vrai dans un monde marqué par des frustrations sociales, la banalisation de la violence et une diffusion facilitée des messages de haine. Au cours de ces dernières années
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2018
Document contents
de groupements dissous en application de l’article L. 212-,1 ou des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; 7°
Investigatory Powers Act 2016
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purpose of protecting public health, (f) for the purpose of assessing or collecting any tax, duty, levy or other imposition, contribution or charge payable to
Laws and regulation
Commentary on Constitutional Ruling n°2015-713
Document contents
groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1 ; « c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; « 6°
Litigation documents
Amicus Curiae against the Intelligence Act
Document contents
« violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique » résulte de la combinaison des notions de « violences collectives » et
Litigation documents
Legal brief against the French Intelligence Act
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XVI-2.4 De plus, il importe de relever que la prévention des « violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique », visée
Litigation documents
Code of Internal Security
Document contents
groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1 ; c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ;
Laws and regulation
Decree n°2015-1639 on the designation of services other than specialised intelligence services authorized to use intelligence gathering techniques
Document contents
mentionnée au présent article. Ces agents ne peuvent pas exploiter les renseignements ainsi collectés ; « 2o Unités placées sous l’autorité du directeur général de la gendarmerie nationale
Laws and regulation
Military Planning Act 2014-2019
Document contents
décret détermine les services autorisés à interroger l’unité de gestion chargée de la collecte des données auprès des transporteurs aériens, de leur conservation et de leur analyse
Laws and regulation
CNCTR Annual Report 2018
Document contents
prévention de l’ingérence étrangère. La part des demandes invoquant la prévention des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique est en progression
Decree n ° 2014-445 on the missions and the organization of the Directorate General for Internal Security
Document contents
surveillance des individus et groupes d’inspiration radicale susceptibles de recourir à la violence et de porter atteinte à la sécurité nationale ; d) Concourt à la prévention
Laws and regulation
Military Planning Act 2019-2025
Document contents
répression de la capture illicite d’aéronefs précitée et tout autre acte de violence 14 juillet 2018 JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Texte 1 sur
Laws and regulation
Decree n° 2016-67 on intelligence gathering techniques
Document contents
est créé un chapitre II ainsi intitulé : « CHAPITRE II « Des renseignements collectés » 3o Il est créé un chapitre III ainsi rédigé : « CHAPITRE III « Des
Laws and regulation
Decree n° 2015-1211 relating to the litigation of the implementation of the information techniques subject to authorization and databases concerning the security of the State
Document contents
l’autorisation et, le cas échéant, ordonne la destruction des renseignements irrégulièrement collectés, ou lorsqu’il constate que le traitement en cause est irrégulier et, le cas
Laws and regulation
Council of State Ruling n° 394922 Requesting a Preliminary Ruling by the EU Court of Justice on the Intelligence Act
Document contents
une recommandation tendant à ce qu’il y soit mis fin et que les renseignements collectés soient, le cas échéant, détruits. Elle peut également saisir le Conseil d’Etat. 9.
Case law
Constitutional Ruling n°2015-713 on the Intelligence Act
Document contents
de groupements dissous en application de l’article L. 212-1 ; « c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; « 6° La
Case law
Intelligence Act
Document contents
reconstitution de groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1 ; c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; 6° La prévention
Laws and regulation
ConstitutionalComplaint TEK
Document contents
a constitutional complaint as follows. The power of a counter-terrorism organization to collect covert intelligence upon citizens based on a simple ministerial permission but without
Litigation documents
Szabo and Vissy v Hungary
Document contents
ex ante authorisation should be extended to untargeted bulk collection of information, the collection of and access to communications data, including when held by
Case law
Document contents
out of the government’s bulk collection of such data”.82 Indeed, the Court observed that “[t]he more metadata the government collects and analyses, furthermore, the
Litigation documents

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