Crime type. Figure 5 breaks down requests relating to criminal activity by crime type.
Crime type statistics may be collected inconsistently, so this breakdown is indicative only.
Subject’s relevance to the investigation. Public authorities record, for each item of
communications data, whether that item of data relates to a victim, witness, complainant,
suspect, next of kin, vulnerable person or other person relevant to an investigation or
operation. Figure 6 shows that 71% of requests were related to those suspected of
committing crimes, or persons of interest to national security. 15% of requests were
related to people who were not suspected of any nefarious activity.
Figure 6 Items by subject’s relevance to the investigation.

associate 9%

victim & complainant 6%


vulnerable person 6%
other relevant person 5%
witness 2%
next of kin 1%

Age of data requested. In terms of the age of the data requested, Table B shows
the average age (in days). Public authorities have a significant demand for data that
is less than one day old, with demand gradually falling from a few days old to a year
or older. Approximately 70% of data requests were for data less than three months
old, 25% aged between 3 months and 1 year, and 6% for data over 12 months old.


Select target paragraph3