Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner - 2016

with little or no time to complete the normal written process (see paragraphs 3.653.71 of the Code of Practice). In 2016, 10% of data requirements were approved orally
under these urgency provisions.
Necessity statutory purpose. 83% of the items of data were acquired for the purpose
of preventing or detecting crime or of preventing disorder. 11% were acquired for the
purpose of preventing death or injury or damage to a person’s mental health, or of
mitigating any injury or damage to a person’s physical or mental health. 6% were
acquired in the interests of national security.
Figure 5 Crime Type.

Drugs 24%

b - Prevent and Detect 83%

Sexual Offences & CSE 14%
Theft 7%
Fraud and Deception 9%
Other 2%

Homicide & Violence
Against Person 13%
Robbery 3%
Harassment 3%

Possess Weapons 4%
Misc. Crimes Against Society 3%

Threat to Kill 4%
All Other Classified Crimes
a - National Security 6%
g - Emergency Prevent
Death / Injury 11%


Select target paragraph3