Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Annual Report 2019
Error Investigation 6
Public Authority
Human or Technical:
Human (SPoC)
Data Acquired:
Customer information relating to an Internet Protocol Address
Resolution (IPAR)
A public authority was investigating the uploading and sharing of
indecent images of children (IIOC). The officer identified the IP address
involved and applied for details of the customer assigned this IP at the
time of the upload.
When obtaining the data from the portal, the SPoC erroneously selected
2019, rather than 2018, as the timestamp for the request. The SPoC
gave the resulting, incorrect customer details to the investigating officer.
A warrant was obtained, executed and the innocent customer was
arrested, interviewed and released.
The next step of the police investigation was forensic examination of
internet-enabled devices seized from the suspect. This would allow
police to gather evidence linking the individual to the crime. Four
months elapsed before forensic examination took place, at which point
the police did not identify relevant material on the devices. When
nothing incriminating was found, the police reviewed the case against
the suspect and identified the error.
The IPC made a determination in accordance with Section 231 of
the IPA 2016. The individual was advised of his/her right to refer the
matter to the IPT.
Error Investigation 7
Public Authority
Human or Technical:
Human (Reporting Person/Applicant)
Data Acquired:
Subscriber information
A national charity reported concerns for the welfare of a person they had
been in text contact with to the Police. The last digit of the telephone
number was either passed or taken down incorrectly. The investigating
officer sought, via the SPoC, the name and address of the customer of
the now incorrect telephone number.
Once the error had been realised, the corrected subscriber check led
another set of officers to a house where the person was located.
Police visited the premise of individuals unconnected to their search.
There was no determination by the IPC, as the effect on those visited
was assessed not to have caused significant prejudice or harm.