Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Annual Report 2019

Communications Data (CD)

The acquisition and disclosure of communications data (CD) is managed through HMPPS
Headquarters. This is primarily sought for internal criminal investigations, such as
misconduct in public office, offences under the Offender Management Act 2007, theft and
supply of illicit drugs. All requests for CD made by individual prisons are processed by the
SPoC Unit within HMPPS, which has recently undergone a structural change to include
open source investigations. This change has increased the Unit’s capacity to conduct
anti-corruption investigations, including by monitoring illicit use of social media. This has
resulted in a 180% increase in requests for CD which shows the progress made by the unit
in its efforts to combat corruption. Applications for CD are now being approved by the new
independent authorising body, the Office for Communications Data Authorisations (OCDA).

Wireless telegraphy

In 2018, we reported that HMPPS was progressing work to update technologies used under
the Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2012. This work is still in progress.
We are working with HMPPS as they deliver this ambitious programme to ensure that the
resultant powers are used appropriately. We will therefore maintain good sight of how
these technologies will be used once they are rolled out. We expect that this will improve
the prisons’ capacity to prevent the use of illicit mobile phones and will lead to an increase
in wireless telegraphy applications, but do not expect to see any decrease in other available
powers in the medium term.

Select target paragraph3