iii. greater supervision of the collection of communications data, including
judicial authorisation where privileged and confidential material is in
issue or novel and contentious requests are made;
iv. improved supervision of the use of communications data, including in
conjunction with other datasets and open-source intelligence; and
v. a new, powerful, visible and accountable intelligence and surveillance
auditor and regulator.

My aim has been to build on the best features of the current regime and to learn from
the practice of other countries. The resulting framework aims not only to satisfy the
majority who broadly accept current levels of investigatory activity and supervision,34
but to help build trust among sceptics both in the UK and abroad.


The opportunity now exists to take a system characterised by confusion, suspicion
and incessant legal challenge, and transform it into a world-class framework for the
regulation of strong and vital powers. I hope that opportunity will be taken.


2.27 and 2.34 below.


Select target paragraph3