collected through automated treatment. Personal data in such databases shall
be destroyed within one year from when it was collected (section 2).
F. Conditions for communicating the intercepted data to other
33. The intelligence collected shall be reported to the authorities
concerned, as determined under the Foreign Intelligence Act (Signals
Intelligence Act, section 8; see paragraphs 8-9 above).
34. The Government Offices, the Armed Forces, the Security Police, the
NOA, the Inspectorate of Strategic Products (Inspektionen för strategiska
produkter), the Defence Material Administration (Försvarets materialverk),
the Defence Research Agency (Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut), the Civil
Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) and
the Swedish Customs (Tullverket) may have direct access to completed
intelligence reports to the extent the FRA so decides (section 9 of the FRA
Personal Data Processing Ordinance). However, to date, no decisions
permitting direct access have been taken by the FRA.
35. Personal data may be communicated to other states or international
organisations only if not prevented by secrecy and if necessary for the FRA
to perform its activities within international defence and security
cooperation. The Government may adopt rules or decide in a specific case
to allow such communication of personal data also in other cases when
necessary for the activities of the FRA (Chapter 1, section 17 of the FRA
Personal Data Processing Act). The FRA may disclose personal data to a
foreign authority or an international organisation if it is beneficial for the
Swedish government (statsledningen) or Sweden’s comprehensive defence
strategy (totalförsvaret); information so communicated must not harm
Swedish interests (section 7 of the FRA Personal Data Processing
G. Supervision of the implementation of signals intelligence
36. The Foreign Intelligence Act (section 5) and the Signals Intelligence
Act (section 10) prescribe that an authority is to oversee the foreign
intelligence activities in Sweden and verify that the FRA’s activities are in
compliance with the provisions of the Signals Intelligence Act. The
supervisory authority – the Foreign Intelligence Inspectorate – is, among
other things, tasked with monitoring the implementation of the Foreign
Intelligence Act and the associated Ordinance and reviewing whether
foreign intelligence activities are performed in compliance with the
applicable directives (section 4 of the Foreign Intelligence Inspectorate
Instructions Ordinance (Förordningen med instruktion för Statens
inspektion för försvarsunderrättelseverksamheten; 2009:969)). It shall also

Select target paragraph3