IPCO Annual Report 2018
Although inspections by way of visits constitute the gold standard, we judge we have
achieved an appropriate balance which ensures regular and thorough oversight of all UK
local authorities.
For both types of inspection, authorities must demonstrate compliance with the relevant
legislation, the CoP and their own internal policies, and we ensure the adequacy of staff
training in all relevant areas.
We conduct an annual inspection of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS),
along with a selection of the 88 prisons across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Prison
inspections usually last one day and this process is overseen by one of our JCs, Dame Linda
Dobbs. They are generally conducted by a single Inspector, at least biannually, but we are
trying to improve that during 2019. The regularity of inspections is based on a prison’s
previous compliance record and its previous recommendations.
The prison inspection regime focuses on ensuring proper notification to all inmates
that their communications are recorded and may be monitored, alongside appropriate
mechanisms to conduct interception of authorised telephone calls and the monitoring of
mail. The inspections take into account the Prison Service Instructions (PSIs) which are
issued by HMPPS. Certain information is requested ahead of the inspection to help inform
the intended course of the inspection and advice is given as to how to prepare. Each prison
is asked to complete a statistical return, which includes disclosing any breaches which may
then be investigated further if appropriate.