Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner - March 2015

Section 4
Reviews of RIPA Legislation and Oversight
A number of reviews were commissioned during 2013/14 and several strands of
the reviews are relevant to the legislation that I oversee or to the oversight mechanisms
more generally.
The reviews have much to consider and they are yet to report. We do, and
will continue to, engage with all of the reviews to share our experiences, concerns,
observations and findings and provide any other information which may assist. If there
need to be changes to the way we operate or are organised we look forward to future
consultations to consider such issues and how they can be developed and implemented.
A summary of each review and the assistance we have provided is below:

Privacy and Security Inquiry10 by the Intelligence and Security Committee
Commissioned on 17th October 2013, the inquiry seeks to examine the
laws which govern the intelligence agencies’ ability to intercept private
communications. In addition to considering whether the current statutory
framework governing access to private communications remains adequate,
the ISC will also be considering the appropriate balance between our individual
right to privacy and our collective right to security.
The Rt Hon. Sir Paul Kennedy (interim Interception of Communications
Commissioner) and Joanna Cavan (Head of IOCCO) gave oral evidence to the
ISC in relation to this inquiry on 30th October 2014. This was a private session
at the request of the ISC.


Independent Surveillance Review11 by the Royal United Services Institute
This review, announced by the Deputy Prime Minister on 4th March 2014, will:



advise on the legality, effectiveness and privacy implications of the
UK surveillance programmes, particularly as revealed by the ‘Edward
Snowden case’;
examine potential reforms to current surveillance practices, including
additional protections against the misuse of personal data, and alternatives
to the collection and retention of bulk data; and,
make an assessment of how law enforcement and intelligence capabilities
can be maintained in the face of technological change, while respecting
principles of proportionality, necessity, and privacy.

Joanna Cavan (Head of IOCCO) attended a roundtable with the Independent
Surveillance Review panel on Tuesday 24th February 2015 to discuss the role
of the independent Commissioners in the oversight and accountability of
public authorities.


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