Judgment Approved by the court for handing down.

R (Bridges) -v- CC South Wales & ors

Code and Guidance
Secretary of State's Surveillance Camera Code of Practice

The Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (“SC Code”) was issued by the Secretary of
State in June 2013. There is a statutory obligation to have regard to that code when
exercising any functions to which the code relates (see s.33 of the PFA 2012 above).
The SC Code lays down a series of 12 “Guiding Principles” for the operators of
surveillance camera systems. They are as follows:
“1. Use of a surveillance camera system must always be for a
specified purpose which is in pursuit of a legitimate aim and
necessary to meet an identified pressing need.
2. The use of a surveillance camera system must take into
account its effect on individuals and their privacy, with regular
reviews to ensure its use remains justified.
3. There must be as much transparency in the use of a
surveillance camera system as possible, including a published
contact point for access to information and complaints.
4. There must be clear responsibility and accountability for all
surveillance camera system activities including images and
information collected, held and used.
5. Clear rules, policies and procedures must be in place before a
surveillance camera system is used, and these must be
communicated to all who need to comply with them.
6. No more images and information should be stored than that
which is strictly required for the stated purpose of a surveillance
camera system, and such images and information should be
deleted once their purposes have been discharged.
7. Access to retained images and information should be restricted
and there must be clearly defined rules on who can gain access
and for what purpose such access is granted; the disclosure of
images and information should only take place when it is
necessary for such a purpose or for law enforcement purposes.
8. Surveillance camera system operators should consider any
approved operational, technical and competency standards
relevant to a system and its purpose and work to meet and
maintain those standards.
9. Surveillance camera system images and information should be
subject to appropriate security measures to safeguard against
unauthorised access and use.

Select target paragraph3