2013 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner

Points of Note

I have continued to provide non-statutory oversight of the interception of
communications in prisons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. I do not
currently provide any oversight for prisons in Scotland. It would be preferable, in
my view, if prison oversight was formalised as a statutory function.
The policy covering the interception of prisoners’ communications in England and
Wales is fragmented and contradictory in places. This makes it difficult for the
prisons themselves to understand the requirements fully and for our inspectors
to conduct the oversight. NOMS must put in place a clear defined policy and risk
assessment documents for the interception of prisoners’ communications.
I have recommended that the Northern Ireland Prison Service should be aiming
to issue a comprehensive Instruction to Governors to supplement the Northern
Ireland Prison Rules in relation to the interception of prisoners’ communications.
In 2013 our office conducted 88 prison inspections which equates to approximately
two thirds of the establishments.
A total of 465 recommendations emanated from these inspections, on average about
5 recommendations for each prison. There has been a marked general improvement
in the last three years with inspectors identifying fewer recommendations. Overall
the proportion of prisons achieving a good level of compliance has steadily risen
in the last three years.


Select target paragraph3