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CNCTR Annual Report 2023
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Comme en matière de surveillance domestique, la commission
notifie à l’auteur de la réclamation qu’il a été procédé aux vérifications
CNCTR Annual Report 2022
Document contents
s’engage de façon informelle au cours
du contrôle et se poursuit par une notification écrite adressée au service
par voie sécurisée l’invitant à faire valoir ses
CNCTR Annual Report 2021
Document contents
ministre disposera d’un délai
d’au plus six mois à compter de la notification de la présente décision
pour limiter les finalités poursuivies par ces
Interception of Communications - Code of Practice
Document contents
likely to, result in the acquisition of
legally privileged communications. The notification must address the
same considerations as described in paragraph 4.9. The senior
Laws and regulation
Convention 108
Document contents
a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the
Council of Europe. Such withdrawals shall take effect three months after the date of receipt of
such notification.
Laws and regulation
French Data Network and others
Document contents
Premier ministre disposera d'un délai d'au plus six mois à compter de la notification de la présente
décision pour limiter les finalités poursuivies par ces articles
Case law
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
au plus tard le lendemain de la publication de la présente loi, à la notification de leur
renouvellement selon la procédure prévue aux huitième et neuvième alinéas
Laws and regulation
Impact Study of the Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
mesure au-delà de six mois. Enfin, chaque renouvellement est
subordonné à sa notification au moins cinq jours avant l’expiration de la mesure en cours, la
Big Brother Watch and others v. United Kingdom (Grand Chamber Judgment)
Document contents
security exception
could deprive a notification requirement of any real practical effect. The
likelihood of a notification requirement having little or no
Case law
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (First Section Judgement)
Document contents
the Signals
Intelligence Act. The notification shall contain information on the date and
purpose of the measures. Such notification shall be given as soon as
Case law
Schrems II Judgment
Document contents
to forward any notification to the
competent supervisory authority if the controller established in the European Union decides,
notwithstanding that notification, to continue
Case law
Surveillance by intelligence services:
fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU Volume II: field perspectives and legal update
Document contents
law: notification and access to information in cases of surveillance
“It may not be feasible in practice to require subsequent notification in
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and on Intelligence
Document contents
mois seront effectués sous le contrôle rapide du juge, chaque renouvellement
étant notifié au moins cinq jours avant l’expiration de la mesure précédente
afin de permettre
Laws and regulation
White Paper on Internal Security
Document contents
différentes étapes d’avancement d’une procédure
qui le concerne, grâce à des notifications électroniques.
autoriser ou être informé en toute transparence lorsqu’une
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (Grand Chamber Judgment)
Document contents
the Signals
Intelligence Act. The notification shall contain information on the date and
purpose of the measures. Such notification shall be given as soon as
Case law
Convention 108 +
Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
Document contents
six months after the date of receipt of the
notification by the Secretary General.
Article 31 – Notifications
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Laws and regulation
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office 2019 Annual Report
Document contents
source notifications, renewals and cancellations, 2015 to 2019
La Quadrature du Net and Others v Premier Ministre and Others
Document contents
as soon as that notification is no longer liable to jeopardise the tasks for which those
authorities are responsible. That notification is, indeed, necessary
Case law
Draft Bill of BND Law 2020/2021
Document contents
Intelligence Service’s activities.
Subsection 6
Notifications and evaluation
Section 59
Notification of data subjects and notification obligations
(1) If personal data of foreign
Laws and regulation
Belhaj and ors v SSHD and ors (No 4)
Document contents
was as to the significance (if any) of the absence of
any post-surveillance notification (an issue which was also considered in
Weber and Saravia v Germany (2008) 46
Case law
Paton v Poole Borough Council
Document contents
Hearing dates: 5 & 6 November 2009
A. Notification of determination
Under s 68(4) of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
Case law
Watson and ors v SSHD and ors (Court of Appeal)
Document contents
procedures, as soon as that notification
is no longer liable to jeopardise the investigations being undertaken
by those authorities. That notification is, in fact, necessary to
Case law
Privacy International v SSFCA and ors (No 2)
Document contents
soon as that notification is no longer liable to jeopardise the
investigations being undertaken by those authorities. That
notification is, in fact, necessary
Case law
Privacy International v SSFCA and ors (No 1)
Document contents
adequate safeguards, the absence of prior judicial authorisation or of
subsequent notification to a subject of interception does not render the system
in breach of
Case law
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2019-2020
Document contents
l’autorité d’habilitation et communiquée à l’officier de
sécurité qui la notifie à son tour au candidat. L’intéressé signe un
engagement de responsabilité
Zakharov v Russia
Document contents
against abuse.
(η) Notification of interception of communications and available remedies
286. The Court will now turn to the issue of notification of interception
Case law
Leander v Sweden
Document contents
cases of appointment to posts
classified in Security Class 2, the above notification procedure was to be
applied only if required on account of special circumstances
Case law
Kennedy v United Kingdom
Document contents
oral hearing under
rule 9(3).”
87. Finally, Rule 13 provides guidance on notification to the
complainant of the IPT's findings:
“(1) In addition to any statement
Case law
Weber and Saravia v Germany
Document contents
discontinued, provided that such notification did not jeopardise the purpose
of the restriction (first and second sentence). After notification, the person
concerned could
Case law
Malone v United Kingdom
Document contents
matter of law
could at any time be altered without warning or subsequent notification. Certainly in
law any ‘adequate and effective safeguards against abuse’ are
Case law
30 shown of 105 documents