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CNCTR Annual Report 2023
Document contents
personnes surveillées au titre de
la prévention des extrémismes violents et des violences collectives
qui se confirme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CNCTR Annual Report 2022
Document contents
le champ de la finalité de prévention
des violences collectives
Violences physiques ou psychologiques. La violence s’entend
naturellement des comportements susceptibles de
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2021-2022
Document contents
actions tendant au maintien ou à la
reconstitution de groupements dissous et des violences
collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix
publique (finalité 5)
CNCTR Annual Report 2021
Document contents
substantielle (plus de 14%) prise
par les demandes liées à la prévention des violences collectives. Peu
spectaculaire du point de vue quantitatif, elle paraît cependant révéler
Interception of Communications - Code of Practice
Document contents
communication system in such a way as to enable
the intended recipient to collect it or otherwise have access to it.
Making the contents of a communication
Laws and regulation
Convention 108
Document contents
national borders, by whatever
medium, of personal data undergoing automatic processing or collected with a view to their
being automatically processed.
A Party shall not, for
Laws and regulation
Report on the activity of the Parliamentary Delegation for Intelligence for the year 2020-2021
Document contents
condamnées mais seulement « susceptibles d’être impliquées dans des actions de
violences collectives, en particulier en milieu urbain ou à l’occasion de
manifestations sportives
French Data Network and others
Document contents
de groupements dissous en application de
l'article L. 212-1 ; / c) Des violences collectives de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ; / 6° La
Case law
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
de renseignements collectés, lorsqu’elles poursuivent une finalité différente de celle qui
en a justifié le recueil ;
« 2o Les transmissions de renseignements collectés, extraits ou
Laws and regulation
Impact Study of the Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and Intelligence
Document contents
activités qui s’y déroulent, incitent à la
discrimination, à la haine, à la violence, à la commission d’actes de terrorisme en France ou
à l’étranger, ou
Big Brother Watch and others v. United Kingdom (Grand Chamber Judgment)
Document contents
collection; the threshold of suspicion required to justify the use of collection measures; the
limitations on the duration for which collection measures
Case law
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (First Section Judgement)
Document contents
collection of intelligence shall cease or that information collected shall be
destroyed, if during an inspection it becomes evident that the collection has
Case law
Schrems II Judgment
Document contents
access to data forming the subject matter of processing
operations and powers to collect all the information necessary for the performance of its
supervisory duties,
Case law
Surveillance by intelligence services:
fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU Volume II: field perspectives and legal update
Document contents
reference to technical collection of intelligence,
and second, emphasis on untargeted collection. The
distinction between targeted and untargeted collection
remains disputed when
Deliberation on the 2021 Intelligence Bill
Document contents
dispositions du projet de loi ont vocation à
encadrer les principes régissant la collecte de données à caractère personnel, et
concernent dès lors, et pour les dispositions
Deliberation on the 2021 Intelligence Bill - update on data retention rulings
Document contents
portée par cette collecte et la
protection de la sécurité nationale.
17. A cet égard, la Commission rappelle que le juge européen a subordonné la collecte
généralisée et
Report of the Bulk Powers Review
Document contents
which it looks upon as a possible substitute for bulk collection
rather than a form of bulk collection in itself.9 Others take a similar approach.10
The italicised
CNCTR Annual Report 2020
Document contents
ou à la reconstitution
de groupements dissous et la prévention des violences collectives
de nature à porter gravement atteinte à la paix publique ;
Bill on the Prevention of Terrorism and on Intelligence
Document contents
renseignements collectés, lorsqu’elles
poursuivent une finalité différente de celle qui en a justifié le recueil ;
« 2° Les transmissions de renseignements collectés,
Laws and regulation
White Paper on Internal Security
Document contents
progression des violences constatées dans la sphère familiale,
telles les violences sexuelles et sexistes. La création d’une plateforme de
signalement des violences sexuelles
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden (Grand Chamber Judgment)
Document contents
improper signals collection,
has the power to decide, with legally binding effect, that the collection must
cease or that recordings or notes of collected data must
Case law
Convention 108 +
Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
Document contents
for a
statistical purpose it should be collected in such a way
that the data subject is not identifiable. Collection of
sensitive data without identification data
Laws and regulation
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office 2019 Annual Report
Document contents
authority collect data under investigatory powers?
• Does your authority retain data collected under investigatory powers?
• Does your authority retain data collected under
Privacy International v Investigatory Powers Tribunal & Ors
Document contents
would constitute) one or more
offences, and either –
(a) it involves the use of violence, results in substantial
financial gain or is conduct by a large number of persons
Case law
La Quadrature du Net and Others v Premier Ministre and Others
Document contents
be collected pursuant to
Article L. 851‑1. Such collection shall take place in non-real time.
The information listed in point I(2) may be collected only
Case law
Privacy International v Secretary of State
Document contents
networks in [the
European Union], including public communications networks supporting data collection and
identification devices.’
Under Article 5 of Directive 2002/58, entitled ‘Confidentiality
Case law
Draft Bill of BND Law 2020/2021
Document contents
data collection as follows:
statement of the purpose of the data collection under paragraph (1); and
statement of the means used to collect the
Laws and regulation
R Bridge v CC South Wales and ors (High Court)
Document contents
There has however been growing concern in
recent times about surveillance and the collection and use of
personal data by the state. … But such concern on this side
Case law
R Bridges v CC South Wales and ors (Court of Appeal)
Document contents
the collection of data on a blanket and indiscriminate basis, and it placed
too little weight on the interference posed by the initial collection itself
Case law
B v Security Service
Document contents
need to protect the State and the public against
those who would use violence to overthrow the democratic order, which
guarantees human rights. Both sides
Case law
30 shown of 143 documents