Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Annual Report 2019
how IPCO oversees the UK’s use of investigatory powers, especially the function of Judicial
Commissioners in authorising intrusive activity. The INSLM was also able to spend time with
the Technology Advisory Panel (TAP) who advised on the impact of changing technology
on oversight.
Other international groups
In March, representatives from IPCO and OCDA attended the International Communications
Data and Digital Forensics conference (ICDDF).17 The ICDDF is an annual conference which
recognises global excellence and collaboration in the investigation of digital and cybercrime and intelligence in law enforcement and is attended by law enforcement agencies
from around the world. At the conference, our Inspectors contributed to workshops and
seminars with global partners, answering queries on investigatory powers procedures in the
UK and IPCO’s oversight.
17 International Communications Data and Digital Forensics (2019),