IPCO Annual Report 2017
b) Legal professional privilege material or other confidential material. There are special
arrangements and safeguards contained in the CoP covering material of this nature. Some
of the recommendations in the reports addressed the need to ensure that the renewal
submissions describe when material of this kind had been intercepted, and explain how it
had been handled. Although in most instances LPP or confidential material is immediately
destroyed as not being of intelligence interest, a small number of recommendations were
directed at ensuring there was a justifiable intelligence case for retaining material of this
nature, and directing that it was appropriately protected and the content was only shared
to the minimum extent necessary.
c) Cancellation and suspension of interception. The majority of the recommendations fell
within this category. For the 997 warrants analysed, there were a few examples of warrants
that had not been cancelled in a reasonable period of time (for example, following the
target’s arrest and remand in custody, or when warrants relating intercepted devices
should have been cancelled or suspended because a target had ceased using a particular
mobile phone).